New York City Large Charitable Donors
Updated: 12/2024 | Confirmed: 12/2024
The philanthropic audience found in this premium marketing data is comprised of wealthy individuals who make extensive contributions to New York City charities and foundations. The affluent New Yorkers contained in this database are devoted to their city and the 5 boroughs; they show their support by making at least 2 donations of $250 or more to local organizations, charities, and the arts. This premium mailing list also offers the option of selecting solely the prominent contributors, whose donation amounts are in excess of $1,000 and given 2 or more local fundraising efforts. All marketing data points, self reported and public, are audited and double verified each month through 2 or more organic sources ensuring superior accuracy and a receptive and responsive audience.
14,324 |
Total N.Y.C. Charitable Donors |
$95.00/M |
9,861 |
With Phone Numbers |
$115.00/M |
6,281 |
You May Select the Largest Contributors |
$105.00/M |
5,084 |
With Phone Numbers |
$125.00/M |
Call or Email to Order!
Sources: Direct Response | Direct Mail | Opt-In Email
Unit of Sale
Investment Questionnaires
Insurance Questionnaires
Self-Reported Data
Real Estate Transactions
Shareholder Lists
Membership Rosters
Survey Data
Stockholder Lists
Business Holdings
Public Record
Proprietary Sources
Opt-In Email
4-Up Cheshire
P.S. Labels
3.5 Diskette
Email / FTP
Email - Deployment
Email - Personalization
Age |
N/C |
Income Select |
N/C |
Phone Number |
$20.00/M |
Zip/Scf/County/State |
$7.00/M |
P.S. Labels |
$10.00/M |
3x5 Index Cards |
$35.00/M |
3.5 Diskette |
$50.00/F |
$50.00/F |
Email/FTP |
$50.00/F |