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Discount Stock Service Buyers & Prospects

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Updated: 3/2024 | Confirmed: 3/2024  

This active and investment savvy audience is attracted to low commissions, low investment minimums and quick trading options offered by discount brokerages and online accounts.  These qualified independent investors and inquirers are accustomed and prefer to make their own stock and bond acquisitions and trading decisions from their own research and analysis.  They are attracted and thrive on the control, flexibility and low trading costs of utilizing a discount brokerage for the acquisition of: New York, American, NASDAQ, OTC ( Over-the-Counter), IPO ( Initial Public Offering ), BB ( Bulletin Board ), and "PINK" stock and corporate bonds.  These speculative, hands-on investors have acquired or have made a qualified inquiry to invest in publicly traded stocks or corporate bond for a minimum of $10,000 within the last 12 months.  

3,625,405 Discount Stock Service Buyers   $85.00/M
3,115,325 With Phone Numbers $105.00/M
1,511,794 Opt-In Email Addresses $125.00/M

Call or Email to Order!


Avg. Age


Avg. Income


Avg. Net Worth


Gender Precentage

10F - 90M


Sources: Direct Response | Direct Mail | Opt-In Email

Unit of Sale


Investment Questionnaires
Shareholder Lists
Stock Holders Lists
Direct Mail
Card Decks
Proprietary Sources

Opt-In Email




4-Up Cheshire
P.S. Labels
3.5 Diskette
Email / FTP
Email - Deployment
Email - Personalization


Age N/C
Income Select N/C
Phone Number $20.00/M
Zip/Scf/County/State $7.00/M
P.S. Labels $10.00/M
3x5 Index Cards $35.00/M
3.5 Diskette $50.00/F
CD ROM $50.00/F
Email/FTP $50.00/F

Minimum Order 5,000 Records

Guaranteed 95% Deliverable
Updated Quarterly
Last Update:  3/2024
Next Update:  6/2024 
Delivery: Within 24 Hours
Data Transfer: $25.00 Flat Rate

Postal Address: Updated Quarterly - NCOA - CASS Certification
Email Address: Updated Daily - CAN - SPAM Compliant
Telephone Number: Updated Bi-Monthly - DNC Suppressed
 List Broker Discount 25% - More Information


Net Worth $10.00/M
Gender $5.00/M
Key Coding $5.00/M
Carrier Rt. Sort. $10.00/M
Bar Coding $10.00/M
Email - Deployment $25.00/M
Email - Personalization $25.00/M


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